
(照片擷取自the guardian)


今天登場的第74屆金球獎,請來了The Tonight Show的主持人Jimmy Fallon來主持該獎項。

相信有在鎖定西方影視動態的朋友們都知道,Jimmy Fallon本身除了幽默的主持風格之外,他也是位非常熱愛音樂的人,自己本身的節目上就常常在玩跟音樂有關的內容,而這次的Golden Globe Annual Awards也是玩起了最近大家非常火熱的La La Land(台譯:樂來越愛你)的開場橋段。

(曲目 From La La Land - Another Day Of Sun)



Jimmy Fallon:

I'm hanging here out west. The Golden Globes are starting but I’m stuck here in this mess. All the nominees are inside waiting there for me, think of all the stars I'll see. Here we go, tonight's the night

Nicole Kidman(妮可・基嫚):

Cameras up and lights are bright Wigs are on and Spanks are tight I can barely breathe

Amy Adams(愛美・亞當斯):

Pretty soon the show begins We’re all waiting to get in But everyone is stuck behind that white Ford Bronco

Sarah Paulson(莎拉・保羅森):

Golden Globes will be given out tonight

Sterling K Brown(史特林・K・布朗):

Not all the nominees are white

Evan Rachel Wood(伊凡・瑞秋・伍德):

Stuck on the 405

Jimmy Fallon:

The show is almost live

Rami Malek(雷米・馬利克):

I Just hacked your hard drive. If these photos ever get out, you're dead.

Kit Harrington(基特・哈靈頓):

The Golden Globes have just begun

Milly Bobby Brown(麥莉・芭比・布朗):

Ok, my name is Eleven, I’m here 24/7 Im eating Eggo waffles by the pound I got a knack for rapping about Stranger Things that happen inside the upside down You're my best friends forever, Dustin, Mike, & Lucas And together we know how to survive And I got a little secret, don't repeat it, better mean it Barb is still alive!

Jimmy Fallon:

You have minty fresh breath

Ryan Reynolds(萊恩・雷諾斯):


Jimmy Fallon:

Room full of stars, some from movies, some TV Room full of stars, they've been getting drunk since 3 Who knows who the Hollywood Foreign Press will choose This golden night, a night for me and you

Tina Fey(蒂納・費):

I've been waiting 20 years for th..

Justin Timberlake(大賈斯汀):

There she is.

Justin Timberlake:

It's almost time,

Jimmy Fallon:

I'm a little nervous

Justin Timberlake:

Don't be nervous! You're gonna be great. Just go out there and be yourself. "Oh my gosh my man I'm in HollywoodIt's the Golden Globes! It's so great, so great Everybody should win, you're a winner, you're a winner."

Jimmy Fallon:

I get it I get it

Justin Timberlake:

Well, you better get out there and host

Jimmy Fallon:

But I don't even know where we are!

影片中還出現了非常多的人物,有American Crime Story裡飾演律師並得獎的Sarah Paulson,還有約翰屈伏塔也在影片中擺出當年Saturday Night Fever中的經典pose,基本上影片中除了許多被提名的演員有出現在當中之外,最讓人津津樂道的橋段就是Jimmy Fallon和Justin Timberlake的雙人橋段,兩人的Bromance在國外已經好多年了,不只在The Tonight Show當中,就連金球獎,這兩位好基友也硬是要來一段感情戲,看來這段孽緣還真的是不淺。

有了這樣的一個開場,相信今年錯過Golden Globe Annual Awards的朋友們,一定要立即上網去搜尋今年的內容相關影片。

La La Land總共入圍第74屆金球獎,電影類共七項大獎,並且全數囊括得獎:

最佳影片(Picture, musical or comedy):音樂及喜劇類

電影最佳演出:音樂及喜劇類(Actor & Actress, Musical or comedy)(男主角、女主角): Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone 

最佳導演(Diector): Damien Chazelle

最佳劇本(Screenplay): Damien Chazelle

最佳原創配樂(Original score): Justin Hurwitz

最佳原創歌曲(Original song


其實當初在去電影院看La La Land的時候,我就在想:千萬不要讓我失望。


當然在頒獎典禮之後,La La Land的全體同仁們也接受了 backstage專訪:










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