來點Fresh blood的新消息吧, 近日,美國紐約饒舌雙人組The Underachievers發行了最新的一張專輯 Evermore: The Art of Duality
首先可以先看到專輯的設計非常的符合名稱: Duality (二元性)
將一切的事情都化為極端的二元狀態, 這和以前波斯的祆教也就是二元信仰一樣, 象徵萬事萬物只有光與暗,善與惡,生與死
East Coast Hip Hop,
Trap Rap,
Cloud Rap,
Experimental Hip Hop
由此可見這張專輯的音樂性不會差到哪裡, 曲風的多元性才能迎合眾多性質不同的聽眾, 不會說只有單純的東岸曲風, 讓不聽歌詞的人聽到直接睡去。
但是只要講出他們合作過的對象或公司, 那大部分的忠實樂迷們至少都應該聽過他們的名字.
The Underachievers曾和由Joey Bada$$領軍的Pro Era合作過, 再來就是目前小朋友和年輕人們心中的當紅炸子雞A$AP Rocky領軍的A$AP Mo, 接下來則是Flying Lotus這支極度藝術的團體
而The Underachievers也在前陣子釋出本張專輯的主打MV, 由當中的三首歌組成的6分鐘MV
如果你仔細聽當中的歌詞和Flow還有曲的話, 肯定會跟我一樣覺得 damn, this shit goes so hard!
而在這當中, Chasing Faith是整張專輯裡我最喜歡的一首
"So a nigga ain't have no direction
Locked up in my own mental prison
Suicide on my mind, no one listen
Made a nigga remain so distant
From the ones that could help me cope with it
Heart close nigga, feeling indifferent
Can I stand on my own?
Pain on my dome, fucking up my zone
Dreams surrounded in darkness, heartless
Mind fucked up, thoughts littered with garbage
Desolate minds, so my pace move lethargic
All of this pain is what made me an artist"
Issa Gold所唱的第一段歌詞中的這前段可以說是直接在歌的開頭就給大家一個非常黑暗的印象,訴說著到底是怎樣的心裡狀態下
正是因為整個心靈早已一片死寂, 透過訴說這段陰暗的內心角落才促使他成為一個藝術家
Free, free, let me tell you what I mean
Cause a nigga grew up in the coldest of streets
Hood real gutta, make ya fold up your dreams
Old school system bring the clones from the weak
Robbing, they stealing but the plot only thickens
Cause the cops hitting niggas 'fore they reach for the phone
Try intervention, but the confidence missing
So they got all the children and they strip off my hope
Damn, damn, feeling like death
Where do you turn when a nigga need help?
Trapped in your conscience, your conscience gon' melt
You busy watching what they do and you fail
I'm try'na show you that a nigga been there
Crucify myself, a story to tell
If you thinking that you stuck in a jail
The key is in the room, you standing
Right there
這段歌詞更在像人們宣道般的講述, 如果你們正在坐牢(以可能泛指心靈上的禁錮), 那該如何去得到解脫
而AK唱個副歌更像是對聽眾丟出一個選擇題, 當你們失去了方向的時候, 究竟該邁向何方? 十字路口的中央到底如何抉擇? 最終還是只能依賴自己的直覺和信念, 選擇自己最不會後悔的方向前進
"When you lost in this world, man it's hard to relate
And your back's on the wall, only choice is go straight
Road signs, left, right, which path do you take?
Only one lead the way
Tell me which one that's down for your faith"
而這時候Issa Gold的副歌則又像是語帶恫嚇般的對聽眾說道要謹慎抉擇, 並帶入了Duality的概念在其中, 無論選擇是哪條路程, 不是大好, 就肯定是大壞, 因為人的生活也永遠都是往這兩個方向走, 站在中間的人們, 始終都會往天秤的兩端傾倒
Nigga, which path you gon' choose?
Both got they perks, but one is for the few
Other is bright and gold and shining too
Either one you pick, you win or you lose
One is for the dark and one is for truth
One will keep the voices, one is on mute
One will keep you hanging inside a noose
Other teach you all the ways to unloose
在專輯裡的其他歌曲裡面也穿插了不少神秘學的元素在內, 再配上曲之後, 都帶有很黑暗的感覺, 不過當中也有幾首歌是滿Sweet的, 這樣才能符合Duality的概念
總而言之我個人是認為, 這張專輯會是今年最好的一張作品之一, We The Hope這首歌更是實至名歸, 如果這兩位小夥子繼續創造出如此驚人的作品的話, 他們可真的會是未來音樂圈的Shiny Stars
這首the dualist的曲風就是非常Jazz的曲風, 舒服之餘, 當中的歌詞也是非常的令人省思, 讓聽眾可以了解到兩位團員的內心寫照
同時如果有在美國的朋友也可以多去聽聽他們的現場, 支持兩位新生代的新星