
Drake “Don’t Write His Own Raps,”(Drake的歌都不是自己寫的)

於此同時, Drake似乎不太鳥Meek Mill的批評, 又或者說他根本還不知道這件事(?!), 反正同一時間, Drake在接受M Magazine的專訪時, 說出了"還想再演戲"和"Signed up for greatness"等言論

而當M Magazine問道"signed up for greatness"的意思的時候, Drake是如此回應:

"我認知到, 有個巨大的目標是目前對我而言, 一個能最為讓我放鬆和感到欣慰, 平靜的一項事情"

"尤其是在音樂這方面, 我一直認為我就像是漂泊在港口或海上的一艘船艦, 目的是將各種情緒送給人們, 讓我的音樂成為你們人生的背景音樂, 無論是傷心難過的時候, 遇到不順遂的時候, 亦或者是各種喜悅之情的時候, 當人們將我的歌深記腦海的時候, 就是讓我繼續前進的動力. 我主要想說的是, 對我的負面言論根本無關緊要, 因為一切的是非好壞, 歷史會在未來為我作出定位"


"Realizing that I had a larger purpose was one of the most comforting, peaceful feelings," he says. 

"With music, especially, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a vessel to deliver emotion to people. I want to provide the background music to your life as you live it. I’m there for you in heartbreak and tragedy and joy. The thought of being remembered is what keeps me going. What I was trying to say is, the negatives don’t matter. It’s history that counts."

Drake也提到, 他的戲劇生涯因為音樂已經停擺許久, 然後隨著年紀的增長, 他也體驗到更多更重的責任在他的工作上面

" 當我還是19歲的時候, 天真的覺得任何事都是浪漫的, 而現在, 十年過去了, 事情有了些改變, 你必須開始對各方的負面言論做出回應, 有太多的廢話迫使你做出反應, 但也不是甚麼大事"

"At 19, I was just really, really excited to be in the room," he says. 

"Everything was romantic then. Now, nearly a decade later, it’s a bit different. I have to speak against negativity and conflict. There’s so much bullshit that you’re forced to address, but it’s okay."


"在那些日子裡, 我花了很多的時間在表演和錄音室上面, 每天做音樂做到清晨4點或5點, 我會睡在化妝室, 更衣間裡, 之後早上9點再出現在攝影前演出, 最後還是被他們發現我同時間在應付兩份工作, 他們告訴我, 在這當中我必須做出取捨"

"Back then, I’d spend a full day on set and then go to the studio to make music until 4 or 5 a.m." he says. "I’d sleep in my dressing room and then be in front of the cameras again by 9 a.m. Eventually, they realized I was juggling two professions and told me I had to choose."

Drake最後也表示, 他的戲劇生涯並不會因此畫上句點

"我很希望可以再次演出, 畢竟這是我以前所過的生活, 如果可以的話, 我很樂意再次享受從前的感覺"

"I’d love to do a film," he says. "That was the life that I lived before, and it would be interesting to live it again."

原文轉自HipHopDX(Via.): http://hiphopdx.com/news/id.35907/title.drake-i-ha...


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